Thursday, 23 October 2008


A few of the scenes of autumn on the allotment. Marrows, plenty of marrows, on shed roofs, on the ground, everywhere. Grape must dumped on the plot ready to be dug in.
My nasturtiums, which didn't do much all summer, have now gone mad and are trailing all over the place.
At the same time, there have been lots of signs of a second spring, not least of which is my dandelions bursting into bloom. My strawberries are still in flower, and some primulas are flowering again, like these here a few weeks back and the cowslips in my garden at home.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Over from Tristan's; couldn't resist a blog called Georgics.

The vegeatbles and the wonky shed are rather fine too.

(and do you know, the comment verification word is 'ouraple', which seems rather appropriate for a blog about homegrown comestible horticulture!)